A worldwide leader in the professional BPM tools
ARIS long-term leadership confirms thousands of satisfied customers, hundreds of successful innovations as well as independent ratings by respectable analysts Gartner and Forrester.
IDS Advisory remains the only company both in Czech and Slovak, who has a professional background of team of certified ARIS experts. Our experienced staff ensures consulting and methodological support as well as complete technical support for all products of ARIS Platform.
Can we definitely evaluate ARIS without fear or favor?
We believe so. We are not a software producer. We are an independent company. Our core business is consulting, not selling licenses. We are in the same boat with you. We are users too. Having many own experiences with different process modeling tools being used by our consultants within consulting projects in commercial sector and public as well. Therefore, we can definitely confirm ARIS holds the position of leader rightfully.
ARIS in a nutshell
The process tools ARIS have gone through more than 20 years of successful history and in that time, they became a well-recognized standard and worldwide leader for a wide field of the BPM (Business Process Management). They provide a complete solution in a way of connecting strategy and a process design, its analysis, optimization, implementation and controlling, including the unique and patented technology for the measuring of the process performance.
The basic building blocks, on which the whole ARIS portfolio stands, are ARIS Architect and ARIS Designer modelling tools. In other cases, there is a version of a thin client ARIS Connect Designer, with which, after initiation, all you need is a web browser. Those tools provide a complex support for the BPA (Business Process Analysis).
Discover these products through either a 4-minute ARIS video or just read this PDF document - ARIS Connect Designer Quick Start Guide.
ARIS also provides extension packs available for the use in other related fields such as EAM - Enterprise Architecture Management, ARIS for SAP solution, Business Strategy or Simulation as well. These ones adding extra features and specific capabilities.
Regarding use cases covering other specific areas of usage there are still other tools available for measuring of process performance - ARIS Process Performance Manager as well as for governance, risk and compliance management - ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager.
All of these tools share data within one company database on ARIS Connect Server, that, at the same time, provides the support of a teamwork through the usage of social networks, pre-set workflow for the support of a process management and basic DMS (Document Management System) capabilities as well.
ARIS Viewer provides capabilities of viewing and commenting of process models stored in database handled by ARIS Connect Server. ARIS Viewer is therefore no other specific product. These are only licenses authorizing the licensed number of users to access the ARIS Connect Server through a Web browser for both displaying and limited editing the contents of the process database there.
ARIS Cloud
ARIS is also available as a service within a cloud-based subscription model. There are three different editions available - Basic, Advanced, Enterprise. See more at ARIS cloudu.
We also recommend to take a look at the ARIS community on ariscommunity.comwhere all these editions are clearly described. In addition, you can actively participate in the discussion, ask questions, and share practical experiences and recommendations with members of the large community. And not only about ARIS tools, but also about the whole BPM in general.
If you're new to processes or just want to try ARIS for yourself, you'll probably want to start with ARIS Basic. This is also a great choice for those who want to get started quickly and with minimal investment. Providing also the option of upgrading to Advanced or Enterprise editions at any time in the future. In addition, the Basic edition is designed and preconfigured so that it is very easy to use even for users who are not experts in process modeling. See for yourself. Invest less than 3.5 minutes of your time and look at an introduction video with presentation of ARIS Elements capabilities.
Are you interested? Start your 30-day free trial. All you need to do is just a few clicks and complete a simple registration form ARIS Basic – Free trial.
How does it all easily and quickly understand?
Too busy for the lengthy exploration of so many products to check if you get the required features? Or compare it to the competitors? Then you will appreciate a clear comparison of the most used tools ARIS Architect / Designer / Connect Designer / Viewer? Including possible extension packs and cloud editions as well.
All you need is a really handy overview of ARIS products ARIS Functional Product Matrix.
Have questions about ARIS? Something else? Don't hesitate to contact us directly. Just use the phone, email or simple contact form. It's easy!
You can also get more information about ARIS and other related products on Software AG's product website.
Tips and Tricks Do you know that ARIS Express, light-weight and easy to use process modeling tool, can be downloaded for free? And without any restrictions.